Types of Sedation

Most of our patients only think of sedation as “going under” general anesthesia. But, that’s not the only method we use to help our patients. At our office, we offer other types of calming sedatives as well so that you feel as comfortable as possible in a dental chair. Using either IV or oral sedation, our dental team can help you relax while you get enhancements to your smile.

Oral Conscious Sedation

If you experience dental anxiety and need some help relaxing at the dentist’s office, we will first try oral sedation. When you use oral sedation, you will take a tablet to reduce your anxiety and discomfort.

During your visit, you will be awake but you may experience some sleepiness or drowsiness. This is because the medication is helping your brain relax. Depending on your needs, we may give you more or less medication to help you overcome your dental anxiety and allow you to see your dentist.

Our dental team knows exactly how much sedative to give so that you are comfortable throughout your treatment. Since oral sedatives wear off fairly quickly, you’ll be able to drive home safely after your appointment. Once your appointment is over, we’ll have you wait in our office until it’s safe to drive home.

IV Sedation

For larger procedures, such as extractions and root canals, we use IV sedation. In addition to these treatments, some of our patients need IV sedation for regular visits. When you visit us, we will meet your needs, whatever they may be, including extra medication for severe anxiety.

Since IV sedation enters through your bloodstream, the effects are almost immediate. With IV sedation, you will be fully unconscious for the entire dental visit. In other words, you will have no memory of the procedure. When you wake up, you’ll still feel drowsy. Because of this, we require that someone else accompanies you to drive you home.

If you think you may need IV sedation, talk to your dental team about your dental anxiety and its triggers. After a consultation, you and your dental team can decide on the best method for you.

Candidates for Sedation Dentistry

If your anxiety prevents you from visiting your dentist, we recommend that you try sedation dentistry. Without regular dental cleanings, you will damage your smile more. In the end, this means that you’ll need to see the dentist for larger procedures in the future.

Additionally, your tooth and gum infections could affect your whole body. Since you have veins in your gums, inflammation, and bacteria can travel from your mouth to your heart. A lack of professional dental cleaning could lead to heart and health problems down the line. To prevent oral and overall health issues, see your dentist regularly, possibly with the help of sedation dentistry.

Your Dentist for Sedation Dentistry in Anchorage

We understand that the dentist’s office can cause a lot of anxiety. Unfortunately, not everyone loves visiting the dentist. But, when you visit our dental team, we ensure a relaxing, comfortable experience. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry to our patients who have dental anxiety.

If you need extra help getting into a dental chair, sedation dentistry could be your solution. To find out more about how sedation dentistry works, give Dr. Crosby a call at (907) 277-1098.